Chairman Message

Chairman's Desk

Welcome to prime Realty Producer Company Ltd the company is registered under the company act 2013. I extend my gratitude to the Family of producer, investor for their contribution toward realization of the Dream for Better Life our commitment to society is to Make life Batter and Easy with products, Services and protects, stand High and strong with mutual support. We are constantly Striving to scale new height and professional competencies and efficiencies by pushing performance and human potential to new Limits You may experience this fact not only in the decision-making process at our company but also in wide range of other activities Which create value for your customers Using our intellectual and managerial powers an harnessing the benefits of state of the art Technology . Prime Realty producer Company Ltd .is all set to venture into the next level of development in the state .

I / we with may team of able professionals assure you the on-time development and proper management of the projects undertaken by The Group. A joint enterprise of PRPCL and the family of producer investors is a Mileston in the history of development of agro bacase Projects . The venture will make Life Better , create Employment and Extend livelihood to underprivileged. It is may privilege to thank You all on behalf of prime Realty producer company Ltd.